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Topic subjectFollowing folks on Instagram is a sure fire way to loose interest
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13489509&mesg_id=13490100
13490100, Following folks on Instagram is a sure fire way to loose interest
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Aug-16-23 12:34 PM
in them from a fan standpoint....
at least with rappers....

Case in point...

I used to think them Native Tongue cats was the coolest....but man...a few of them cats are mad corny....even to MY old washed ass....

Also...a few weeks back Kdot posted a lil video on his gram doing an outdoor workout routine. It was cool...chill...
Then a few days later Kota posts up a similar vid...thought that was mad corny...