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Topic subjectIt's also interesting that this same internet dragged Ciara for wearing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13488093&mesg_id=13488161
13488161, It's also interesting that this same internet dragged Ciara for wearing
Posted by kfine, Tue Jul-11-23 09:22 AM
a similarly sheer gown to an Oscar's party a few months ago, and she was accompanied by her def-not-emasculated-one-of-highest-paid-per-year-in-nfl husband:





So Idk. I kinda frame all the backlash (on both Keke's partner's part and social media's part) as plain old Madonna-Whore and anti-Black conditioning. I actually don't see the men in this equation, or whatever gaps in earnings and power exist within these couples, as the core issue (even as one man resorted to immature tactics to promulgate said core issues).

Like, I don't support what Keke's partner did. But rather than engage with what it is folks found problematic about his words/actions, a lot of clapbacks focused instead on ridiculing him for earning less and/or caregiving, which we shouldn't actually shame at all. Furthermore, high profile Black men who DON'T feel the need to overcompensate for a weaker economic standing within their relationships by publicly-shaming their partner, like A$AP Rocky, get ridiculed online the same way.

So where I'm at on this is I actually find it most sad that Keke delivering their child only 5 months ago was more of an afterthought to everybody lol, including her partner. Whenever I see new or recently-recovered moms step out like that, especially when it's clear they feel confidence in their post-baby body (whether due to losing weight or simply embracing their thicker frame), the first thing I think/feel is their triumph.

Sometimes people, no matter the gender, just wanna reinforce/ reintroduce vigor and vitality in themselves that took a back seat for a while. Or that they've been struggling to connect with after a life change. And it's unfortunate that Keke doing so for one night caused such a problem in their relationship, but even worse that it's still not normalized in our society to have that bare minimum level of empathy for someone who just delivered.

I mean, some some people need to lose like 50+, 70+, even 100+ lbs of pregnancy weight to look like Keke, Ciara, etc did in those dresses lol. As men, can you imagine losing that much weight and then being shamed (whether by your partner or by society) into hiding it because you're a Dad, public figure, etc? Edit: The Ciara backlash was especially crazy bc there were multiple (not Black) women/mothers there dressed in equally sheer dresses who weren't policed at all.

>don't know their
>relationship dynamic. Meaning, Black Twitter could lose their
>mind over all of this and Keke could be ok with him publically
>acting out.
>I don't know. None of us do but Keke and her dude.