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Topic subjectthey pulled up his past tweets and shit was pretty wild in 2016 lol.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13488093&mesg_id=13488118
13488118, they pulled up his past tweets and shit was pretty wild in 2016 lol.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Mon Jul-10-23 02:49 PM


if you just check his timeline, likes etc...dude has clearly been on some maga/incel/anti-simp/red pill/alpha male/high value man/etc shit.

which is funny because hes basically a stay at home dad whose baby mom is the breadwinner in the relationship.

but i wonder how keke even got with him like that. im sure this part of him came up in their relationship.

shit like this had to be a major red flag: