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Topic subjectdamn
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13481345, damn
Posted by grey, Thu Mar-23-23 04:36 PM
>basically the bus drivers, cafeteria workers, special ed
>aides, class aides etc that make a school go ordered this
>militant move and are giving up 3 days pay because the
>district is harassing members for organizing, among other
>illegal acts apparently. they make waaay less than us, like
>25k a year, have long had no health insurance, prevented from
>full time hours, and many of them experience housing
>insecurity and even homelessness.

thats a shame. i knew teachers and support staff were underpaid in the general sense that all teachers should be paid more but didnt know it was this bad. its wild cuz a lot of city positions are some of the highest paid in the country (and include annual cost of living increases). especially frustrating considering stuff like the $200m/annually for 'patrol' to stand around on they phones at the metro (shits a disaster).

also a trip that some of the same people talkin about "what about the kids" over a three day absence had 'em home for 2 years during the percy jackson and falling behind in every metric with no real recourse for catchin up. was raised lausd k-12 and only recently found out about the state of the district when starting to look for my own. shit sad.