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Topic subjectAwesome!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13481159&mesg_id=13481217
13481217, Awesome!
Posted by Walleye, Wed Mar-22-23 08:01 AM
Cool of you to root for this sensible bit of legislation intended to buttress the future of our education system. Sanders and his seven co-sponsors assuredly appreciate your support. To help turn that moral support into real action on behalf of working teachers in this country, here's a link to a script for when you call or write your legislators and urge them to support this legislation or its house companion, the American Teachers Act:


​The American Teacher Act (H.B. 882) was introduced February 8, 2023 by two teachers in Congress: Representatives Frederica Wilson (D-FL) and Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and 44 other original co-sponsors. The American Teacher Act will award 4-year grants to states that elect to demonstrate their commitment to sustaining a minimum teacher salary of $60,000. It will also provide a separate grant program to award states cost-of-living adjustments where the base teacher salary exceeds $60,000 and invest in a national campaign to expand awareness of the value of teaching and encourage secondary and college students to consider teaching as a career. The full text of the American Teacher Act is available at https://www.teachersalaryproject.org/the-american-teacher-act.html.

The Pay Teachers Act was introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and 7 co-sponsors on March 9, 2023. The Act will (1) ensure teachers are paid a minimum salary of $60,000 and a livable and competitive salary throughout their career; (2) increase federal public education investments and ask states and localities to do the same; and (3) invest in a diverse teacher workforce, strengthen the educator pipeline, and support teachers’ career development and advancement. The full text of the Pay Teachers Act is available at https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/news-sanders-introduces-legislation-to-address-teacher-pay-crisis-in-america/

A summary and comparison chart of the American Teacher Act and Pay Teachers Act is here:

Please contact your U.S. Representatives and urge them to cosponsor the American Teacher Act (H.B. 882) (see list of current co-sponsors and endorsing organizations below) and contact your U.S. Senators and urge them to cosponsor the Pay Teachers Act (more information forthcoming).