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Topic subjectI don't see any solutions to this schooling stuff without
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13481159&mesg_id=13481163
13481163, I don't see any solutions to this schooling stuff without
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Mar-21-23 10:19 AM
a wholesale change. and with some states giving over reaching power to parents, banning books, restricting dialog (girls and periods wtf?), shit's only going to make more people leave the profession.

not to mention the terrible pay they receive. why would a young person go into the field today? passion/calling sounds good but is it worth dealing with parents and fighting to actually teach.

with that said, my cousin wants to teach. she's in school now with another year or so to finish. best of luck shawty.