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Topic subjectHell no if it’s a coworker
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13481120&mesg_id=13481143
13481143, Hell no if it’s a coworker
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Mar-20-23 10:11 PM
I’m not batting 1.000 but I’ve made it a concerted effort to keep my eyes up- especially at work.

I’m not blind. I notice if it’s poppin. But I’ve made a concerted effort to do more than simply not stare. I try not to even glance, especially at work.

I started a new office about a year ago, and there was a woman in front of me, who held her hands behind her as she walked. I was immediately offended, because i only looked down when she moved her hands. Like FOH, you ain’t special.

But then I realized she probably deals with the stares and even glances all day every day. She was packing a fat one and not even dressed in form fitting clothes. So yeah, she probably catches the stares and glances all the time.

Also, I work with mostly women. being more active in my union has made me exponentially more aware of all the things that can make a workplace less than inviting, and I’m now in a position where I’m viewed as a leader, someone people can come to when things aren’t on the up and up at work. So part of my job is to both build and make good on that trust.

So at work I’m eyes forward at all times. It’s not just that, I’ve changed a lot about the wag I conduct myself on the job, for the same reason.

Out of work, it’s more or less the same, but I am more relaxed. It’s only an issue when it’s a “holy shit how is this person real” type shape. But then it’s still the same edict: eyes forward.

Not on some white knight shit either. I’m just trying to be a better person all the way around.