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Topic subjectI think what problem was the amalgamation
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13480199&mesg_id=13480264
13480264, I think what problem was the amalgamation
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Mar-07-23 11:50 AM
Like the plans for the game, in a general sense, was each person pays their own way. But then it got lumped in with the b-day dinner. Either way seems like minor difference of opinion that could be resolved in seconds, not months.

I had a slightly similar thing happen with a concert. A friend hit me up said he wanted to go but not solo. I said ok sure. Rode an hour, paid my 50 to park, caught the show with him. Next day he says can you shoot me 94 bucks or whatever. I said ok and sent it to him. I went to the show, I enjoyed it, we were never super specific about it so I was like yeah, sure, and sent it over.