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Topic subjectWhat if??? What if Jill was in the video and didn’t go on tour with The Roots?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13476915&mesg_id=13477240
13477240, What if??? What if Jill was in the video and didn’t go on tour with The Roots?
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jan-24-23 11:50 AM
Let’s Butterfly effect this one.

What if Jill does the video, labels come running and she is in the studio working on her album instead of touring with The Roots?

First time I was introduced to Jill was at the 9:30 Club in DC and she blew that shit down.. and she was doing this every night.

Also wonder if that decision made her work even harder to prove everyone wrong

of course in a perfect world she gets the video, does all the tours, signs to a
label and is even more massive.

but I wonder if Jill is like “everything turned out fine” or if there is still a part of her that thinks she got screwed over.