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Topic subjectaint no way a label is picking a hot unknown singer over Badu
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13476915&mesg_id=13477206
13477206, aint no way a label is picking a hot unknown singer over Badu
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jan-23-23 03:18 PM
who was a hot well known singer at the time.

label is picking the hot known artist every time.

the only way that happens is if The Roots fought for her or refused to do the video without her.

Now, if The Roots manager actually had faith in Jill and thought she could sell records I’m sure they would’ve fought to have her in the video. But even still, the Roots were unknown to the masses so any chance to “cross over” with Badu was the better business decision.

Not saying it was the right decision but its like going on tour. Does it make more sense to headline your first tour or open for an established artist with a huge fan base?