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Topic subjectRE: Thanks
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13474547&mesg_id=13474692
13474692, RE: Thanks
Posted by Damali, Mon Dec-12-22 02:38 PM
>I just feel that a job is to make money, there are warehouses
>and distribution centers all over this planet. So I have a job
>skillset that I can be employed wherever. It feels like a
>luxury to downplay what that means.

ok. since you know the industry so well, is there a management role you could do that has you in an office instead of the dreary warehouse?

>For the house. I need to be a person that's always employable

and there are so many ways to do that that don't require you being miserable. you seem to be stuck on that there's only one path for you here.

I have two small kids and radical billionaires are
>forever fighting against people having stability and buying

so why play into their hands by being an obedient worker who grinds themselves into dust for the capitalists?

Right now today, I have the ability to be flexible and
>unconstrained by that.

that's great!!!!! move forward with that energy.

When I lived in Houston the entire city
>was tied to the success of oil and gas. By being tied to
>logistics, transportation, and distribution I'm decoupled from
>the failings of any particular city or industry.

again, superb!!! if this is true, then your options are infinite. you don't have accept just anything that comes your way.

>In this field you don't get sunlight or quality food

ok that sounds like some overexaggerated bs, but i don't know your field at all so i guess i'll take your word for it

>you're also subject to a continuously moving 24/7 network of
>connectivity. But millions of people are in that same network.
>What makes me so special that I can't be?

again, you're asking the wrong question (its a very capitalist/supremacist one, actually). Everyone is special...its not just you. Everyone is at choice. You don't have to choose to stay just because millions of others have. Oftentimes we spend our lives believing we don't have choices when we do. IT's just that some of our available choices would mean that we have to adjust other things in our life to make it work, and alot of times, people don't want to do that.

So you have some choices to make. But if you choose to be miserable thinking that is best for your family, you will eventually find out that its not.


"i do more for both our communities than you'll ever know." - Heinz
"But rest assured, in my luxurious house built on the backs of people darker than me, I am sipping fine scotch and scoffing at how stupid you are." - bshelly