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13474676, Thanks
Posted by MEAT, Mon Dec-12-22 12:50 PM

>What is this luxury you speak of? be more specific

I just feel that a job is to make money, there are warehouses and distribution centers all over this planet. So I have a job skillset that I can be employed wherever. It feels like a luxury to downplay what that means.

>This is such a general and cliche statement...i'm not talking
>about how you feel...i'm talking about the words you're using
>to express it.
>why do you need to be a certain kind of person? is that for
>you or for the outside world?

For the house. I need to be a person that's always employable anywhere. I have two small kids and radical billionaires are forever fighting against people having stability and buying power. Right now today, I have the ability to be flexible and unconstrained by that. When I lived in Houston the entire city was tied to the success of oil and gas. By being tied to logistics, transportation, and distribution I'm decoupled from the failings of any particular city or industry.

>what if "does what it takes to make money for my family" means
>leaving a n industry that causes you mental and emotional
>harm? what part of that means you have to be miserable? can
>you do both? can you make the money you want to make AND like
>your job? I can tell you the answer is ABSOLUTELY. But you
>need to make some shifts in your perspective first...
>>I'm honestly considering stepping away from the profession,
>>but that feels selfish.

In this field you don't get sunlight or quality food and you're also subject to a continuously moving 24/7 network of connectivity. But millions of people are in that same network. What makes me so special that I can't be?