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Topic subjecttry to avoid generalities and be specific
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13474547&mesg_id=13474673
13474673, try to avoid generalities and be specific
Posted by Damali, Mon Dec-12-22 12:11 PM
I have some advice but it would help if you could dig a little deeper...

>I got a job offer this week and I realized I couldn't do it
>I've been on the inside of well over 100 warehouses and
>distros in my career and I just feel repulsed by those
>concrete walls and ceilings
>But at the same time, I feel as if I don't have that as a

What is this luxury you speak of? be more specific

>That I need to be the kind of person that does what it takes
>to make money for my family

This is such a general and cliche statement...i'm not talking about how you feel...i'm talking about the words you're using to express it.

why do you need to be a certain kind of person? is that for you or for the outside world?

what if "does what it takes to make money for my family" means leaving a n industry that causes you mental and emotional harm? what part of that means you have to be miserable? can you do both? can you make the money you want to make AND like your job? I can tell you the answer is ABSOLUTELY. But you need to make some shifts in your perspective first...

>I'm honestly considering stepping away from the profession,
>but that feels selfish.

...and the shift starts here.

1. there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with being selfish. You, as an individual, have the right to be happy and fulfilled in whatever you do...in fact, one could argue that its your ONE JOB as a human being...to be happy. The fact that you somehow how see that as selfish is not ok...where did you learn that? who does that type of thinking serve? Clearly not you

2. at the same time, stepping away from your profession, if its causing you distress of any kind, is NOT SELFISH. it's actually the complete opposite. Finding a field or a job that feels aligned to who you are will actually enable you to make MORE money...the way you would absolutely SHINE in any role where you're happy!!! And a happier you means that you have more of you to give to your family...it's better for them if you are fulfilled at work.

Man, so much more awaits you...you can achieve all your goals and NOT be miserable. You just gotta step out of this single story you are telling yourself about your life and your options.


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