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Topic subjectMoore v. Harper, a potentially democracy ending SC case
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13474345&mesg_id=13474345
13474345, Moore v. Harper, a potentially democracy ending SC case
Posted by shygurl, Wed Dec-07-22 10:35 AM
The Supreme Court is hearing arguments for Moore v Harper today, a North Carolina case where the NC state legislation is basically asking the SC to give legislators the power to ignore state constitutions and be the *only* entity to make rules and enforce federal elections. In no hyperbolic terms this could give unprecedented power to state legislatures and enable them to modify or even ignore elections at their will. If the SC votes to overturn the ruling set by the NC Supreme Court, democracy as we know it will be over and fascists will now control our government.

I really can't over emphasize how important this case is and how close we are to authoritarian rule with a bad ruling from the Court. Legitimately feeling sick to my stomach over it, especially given the make up of our SC. The hearing started at 10, and imo the best way to follow along is to follow Democracy Docket's Twitter feed, which is the incomparable Marc Elias' group.

More background info here because I ain't a lawyer lol:
