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Topic subjectLOL people looking for think pieces but can’t seem to answer
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13468328&mesg_id=13468666
13468666, LOL people looking for think pieces but can’t seem to answer
Posted by Heinz, Wed Sep-14-22 04:04 PM
Simple questions of continuity to the point where plot holes and continuity don’t matter if it involves race.

Again. Answer how there are Asians, Brown and Black people being treated as EQUALS in a world where they were not previously and we are just supposed to not expect an explanation because seeing people that look like us makes us feel warm inside? Foh. Again, I love to see it. Just explain it when you do it in worlds already created where it didn’t exist (especially in this case of this show being s prequel). Write it into the story. Pretty simple task. So I will ask again, regarding HotD where in the story is it explained? Pretty simple. Answer it or shuttup. Scrap all that “you are a racist” bullshit because you have no answers to the question because that is a cop out, especially with me i am not the one to let that be an your escape answer. Answer the fucking question or take a knee on this you loser. I’ll wait. Provide the video or episode where it was explained in this show. They have already fixed plot holes in the previous show which I provided video for in this thread. Your turn. Answer it.