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Topic subjectRE: how much more time do you give her?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13466938&mesg_id=13467008
13467008, RE: how much more time do you give her?
Posted by jimaveli, Tue Aug-23-22 05:09 PM
>I was on call last week. today, went over my calls with the
>team. all cases closed, but one.
>so I'll have to call a few folks that are involved with the
>one case. this will be a first since having this job.
>I like this team a lot, but this isn't the job I'm staying at
>forever. it's extinguishing flames or basically putting out
>potential fires. not my strong suit. I like to be in front of
>things. more like a consulting role.

Yeah. Consulting sounds cool to me sometimes. But even with that, you have to be interested enough to establish what makes the most sense for the company to do, right? And then, AT THE SAME TIME, you need at least some of amount of 'hey, if these folks screw this up/don't take my guidance, its whatever for me. I'll be down the road heading to the next department/company'.

Staying at the same place for a long time, you can find yourself caring too much about the results of things and it can DRIVE YOU CRAZY when things don't go the way you want them to.

>however, I need to put in work with this job so I get a good
>understanding of the space and move on from there.
>my boy said that when he left our comp, he got a 30k raise at
>his next job. he's probably hovering around 200k now. he's had
>about 5 jobs since leaving my comp. gotta get my weight up.

Jumping jobs at the right time appears to be VERY lucrative financially.

And some people have the right mindset to jump around jobs. And it can work out REALLY well for those people. And then, sometimes, it can go impressively wrong for people are NOT in the right frame of mind for this type of moving.

Mainly, there's the people who think all of the good things about their old gigs are going to follow them to the new ones. And I'm like 'NO! WRONG!'.