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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectonly one party is moving to the extreme.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13462406&mesg_id=13462556
13462556, only one party is moving to the extreme.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Jun-16-22 02:26 PM
one party is firmly placed in the mainstream.

one party is built almost entirely on enacting (but hiding) policies that are unpopular with the large majority of americans.

one party is built almost entirely on enacting policies that are popular with the large majority of americans.

one party has moved so extreme that their last president ran *against* their party and their previous 2 presidential nominees (just 2 cycles before that) are/were now largely considered pariahs within their party base for not being sufficiently extreme.

and one party just elected someone who has been a central figure to their national party for the last 50 years.

the 'fringe' of one party promotes gun violence as a means to achieve political goals and is banning books that teach anything but their radical ideology (and theyre also actually the base of the party).

the 'fringe' of one party wants to give every american healthcare and a secondary education like virtually all 1st world industrialized western nation.

one party doesnt believe in democracy.

one party does.

in no legitimate version of reality can anyone say *both* parties are moving to the extreme.