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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI get feeling lost.. I’ve heard women say that once they have a kid
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13456296&mesg_id=13461302
13461302, I get feeling lost.. I’ve heard women say that once they have a kid
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-25-22 09:22 AM
especially if they doing the heavy lifting and the father is “co-parenting” which I put in parentheses because some fathers miss 80% of their kids lives but swear that 20% is enough.

I think she hinted at Earns success but I think this is the whole reason she is in Europe. This dude out here gettin it and “no one knows where Earn is” back home.

I wish they really had her go in on her jealousy or frustration of seeing Earn handle biz and how it has her feeling like she fucked up a good thing.

and we all know a “good thing” may not actually even happen IF they stayed together. Some people simply can’t function productively when dating certain people.