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Topic subjectis this part true though?
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13455823, is this part true though?
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Mar-16-22 03:49 PM
>Then there are those relationships where people are 180
>degrees apart on serious issues, and yet maintain their
>friendship. A lot of that, IMO, is due to a largely misplaced
>sense of nobility toward the notion of being friends with
>those with whom you disagree.

I know there's a sense where people seem to brag about being friends with people they disagree with on political/social issues, but how much of it is people just wanting to brag about it vs it being an actual factor in why they are still friends?

there was some study a few months back about conservatives being more likely to stay friends with people they disagree with politically. talking just anecdotally, i've noticed liberal friends are more likely to brag about how they cut people out of their lives and conservative friends are more likely to brag about staying friends with people with whom they're ideologically opposed

Even with that i don't know how much of it is just that i live in a place where conservatives are more in the minority. I know a decent amount of Trumpsters but not enough that i've really heard things like "If you voted for Biden unfriend me now!". The closest is one friend who i genuinely like as a person but he's always on this conservative victim shit, so his version was "if you really think i'm a racist because i voted for trump, unfren..." Maybe that dynamic flips in other parts of the country tho. i dunno.