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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectCensorship vs. Curation | Black Perspectives
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13453113&mesg_id=13453113
13453113, Censorship vs. Curation | Black Perspectives
Posted by Damali, Fri Feb-04-22 11:00 AM
A while back, a female Chinese tennis player, Peng Shuai, was on the tour circuit and said she had being sexually assaulted by a high ranking member of the Communist Party.

Then she abruptly returned to China and 'disappeared'...no additional public statements, no news stories about her.

No one had seen or heard from her publicly for a while..folks feared the worst...when she reemerged, her story changed. She claimed not only that there was no abuse, but that she never even made those claims..that everyone was mistaken. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that she was threatened into silence, for fear of harm or death by the Chinese gov't. That's how they do things there. they 'disappear' people for far less.

That's censorship.

Roxane Gay makes a distinction in her latest essay about the difference between censorship and curation:

"When we are not free to express ourselves, when we can be thrown in jail or even lose our lives for speaking freely, that is censorship. When we say, as a society, that bigotry and misinformation are unacceptable, and that people who espouse those ideas don’t deserve access to significant platforms, that’s curation. We are expressing our taste and moral discernment, and saying what we find acceptable and what we do not."

you can read the full essay here:

for a Black male perspective, you can read this one:

Argue amongst yourselves; I'm only here to drop knowledge :)


"I don't speak to provoke. I speak because I think our time on Earth is short and each moment that we are not our truest selves, each moment we say what we do not mean because we imagine that is what somebody what's us to say, then we are wasting our time