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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjecthome is subjective. this is not my home. I am home. it's me; not a place.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13444811&mesg_id=13445020
13445020, home is subjective. this is not my home. I am home. it's me; not a place.
Posted by Damali, Mon Oct-18-21 11:05 AM

>1). I'm not afraid of all the stuff you're worried about. If
>Trump runs again, he will lose. His people will be mad. But
>they aren't going to do anything. Just like they couldn't do
>anything in 2020. There won't be a fight to fight.

I'm not sure you understand how wrong this is. He won't have to win. Republicans are slowly taking over local elections boards so that they can simply overturn any election with a result that doesn't serve their interests. If the House & Senate goes back to Republican control in 2022 midterms, the rest is history.

>2). This is some Mickey Mouse stuff compared to the problems
>of many of the black/brown countries you are talking about
>fleeing to.

and how do you think those problems in those places got so bad in the first place? This country (along w/Britian, Russia and handful of others) is literally an evil empire of colonization, imperialism and destabilization.

I have no interest in continuing to call such a place my home regardless of whether i was born here or not. I'm not claiming it.

And to claim it as yours means you're complicit in the way US foreign and domestic policy has mass murdered all over the globe for centuries.


"I don't speak to provoke. I speak because I think our time on Earth is short and each moment that we are not our truest selves, each moment we say what we do not mean because we imagine that is what somebody what's us to say, then we are wasting our time