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Topic subjectThat dude's Mission is to sow doubt (he succeeded with you)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13437897&mesg_id=13438720
13438720, That dude's Mission is to sow doubt (he succeeded with you)
Posted by handle, Sun Aug-01-21 09:50 PM
>What about the numbers though? I'm genuinely curious, where
>is Fauci and above poster getting 99% from? What is the
>denominator? Is this author right about that or not?
>I think those should be the more important questions, not what
>he calls himself or what shows he goes on.

If you think you can take the raw data and interpret it you're either a public health expert who specializes in viral statistics, or a novice. But go do the work for yourself and dismiss this man.

All this dude does is give you bullshit disguised as psuedo scientific jargon and then throw doubt over every thing.

He needs to provide the answers - not just raise questions. And then HIS work can be easily checked out and evaluated.

He's the dude at CPAC who had the crowd cheering to not get a vaccine:

He says "The government wants to SUCKER you into get vaccinated." What's the upside in that?

I'm not a scientist, but a jackass who calls himself "The Covid Contrarian" and goes on Tucker Carlson show a lot can't be trusted.

Now, maybe the delta variant will infect more vaccinated people than the alpha did and they'll have numbers to reflect that soon - but if you believe him then EVERYONE in the government is lying and he's the only one who knows the truth. That the vaccine is worse than the disease. And btw, that smoking marijuana causes psychosis in 1 out of 250 people.

Go talk to your doctor.

And realize there's no "right answer" for COVID that might not change in the future it's not a set disease with all rules perfectly known.

Keep looking for your answers - but recognize when a con-man is playing you.

P.S. Remember I had a COVID breakthrough and I'd like to know all of this too. But when I see the numbers from Fauci I know there talking about the number of FULLY vaccinated people who have been hospitalized or die vs. the NOT FULLY vaccinated people who have been hospitalized and died. I don't know how you use the data to show a daily trend, or a weekly trend. Maybe try to take the data and do that - I have no expertise in it.

Oh, Rush Limbaugh loved him too: https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2020/04/10/alex-berenson-battles-his-former-brethren/