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Topic subjectThe points in that article are pretty obvious. Something interesting to
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13431211, The points in that article are pretty obvious. Something interesting to
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Apr-28-21 07:53 AM
me though is seeing millennials in corporate America and the types of moves they make or don't make. Younger white employees are WAY more willing to take career risks - and there are of course many systematic reasons why that is that we all know. I've been at my company for 15 years, and I'm in a good spot at this point.

But I'll watch the moves that younger people make - the younger Black employees will go for career paths similar to my own - relatively linear in moving up the ladder. There's more stability in that path, but it takes a long time because with promotions and raises you'll rarely get more than 3-5% per year. On the other hand I'll see other younger folks take huge risks - like leaving a secure role for one that is a temporary project, or a newly created team, or going for what might seem like a linear move but in a different part of the organization giving them additional experience to prep for a big jump. Sometimes they'll get burned by that - I've seen them get laid off when a project is completed or when a team was eliminated because of a restructure. But they ALWAYS come back stronger, either within our company to a new, even higher role or somewhere else, and end up in very high positions at a much younger age.

Again, we know all the various reasons why, and there is absolutely multiple levels of bias built into the hiring process. In mentoring younger Black colleagues I try to encourage them to take risks, but I still see it time and time again. It speaks to the top end of stats like this - there's plenty of Black millennials with college degrees and strong work experience making 75-100k while white peers of theirs are making 150-200k with the same amount of experience in years, but that experience is more broad and includes multiple big jumps through the career from risks that were taken.