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Topic subjectpeople need to be honest about what they want and who they
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13428359&mesg_id=13428559
13428559, people need to be honest about what they want and who they
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Mar-26-21 11:42 AM
want it from. i think if people really sat back and thought about it they'd realize their desires and actions are in opposition. i know i damn sure do. and i think thats what contributes to a lot of unhappiness and embarrassing situations like these.

i got a homegirl that basically wants a fictional character. tall, swole, faithful, religious, successful (over $150k specifically). i told her flat out any dude w/ all that honestly has no reason to settle down. and most of our adulthood she's been a kept woman for various dudes that fit the description other than the faithful part.

in one way i look at it like, if you can be a kept woman surely you can compromise on one of these other aspects right? then on the other hand its like, maybe a fraction of what you want is good enough?