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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectLOL
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13425887&mesg_id=13426336
13426336, LOL
Posted by Brew, Fri Mar-05-21 09:49 PM
I refuse to spell the word any other way out of respect for Nate, Snoop, Pound, et al. Haha.

>i like dogs and cats but i dont think i would get a pet. im
>too lazy, dont want to deal with cleaning up after them i also
>dont want to go through the pain of them getting old/ill.
>maybe at some point ill get one.

Oh yea - to be clear I'm not saying everyone needs to *own* a pet/dogg. Just saying that if you walk in my house and don't pet my dogg, or worse yet like run away from him and/or tell me you don't like them, and you don't have an explanation like the ones I described above ... I'm hiding my valuables til you leave.