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Topic subjectI don't trust _____ who _____ .
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13425887&mesg_id=13425887
13425887, I don't trust _____ who _____ .
Posted by Marbles, Thu Mar-04-21 12:08 PM

This is a fun post.

I have a running joke with some of my younger co-workers. When I found out how young they really are (born in the late 90s), I made the comment that I don't trust anybody who wasn't alive during the reign of "Thriller."

Last week, me & the little lady were watching the US women's national soccer team. Some of the players look mad young, so she looked them up. Same thing...born in the late 90s or maybe even 2000. So I told her that I don't trust any women's soccer player who wasn't alive when Brandi Chastain took off her shirt after hitting the winning PK.

So is there anyone or any group out there that you don't trust for whatever reason?