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Topic subjectThe people who are anti-vaccine would just say that
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13424305&mesg_id=13424439
13424439, The people who are anti-vaccine would just say that
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Feb-18-21 07:04 AM
those celebrities are part of the conspiracy. I’ve already seen stuff like that.

Here’s an example - TD Jakes put together a GREAT forum about the Covid vaccine, interviewing Fauci, Black doctors who were instrumental in developing the vaccine - Dr. Kizzy Corbett and Dr. Onyema Ogbuagu, and his own personal doctor:


The reason for the forum was a study showing that only 14% of African Americans trusted taking one of the Covid vaccines. Jakes got all kinds of questions from folks, including the typical questions you see people asking like “why should Black people trust a vaccine after scandals like the Tuskegee experiment”, “how effective is this vaccine really”, “what are the risks/side effects”, etc. and he got direct answers from these experts.

But look at the comments - people from Jakes’ own audience and congregation STILL not trusting information from “experts who are have been paid to get us on board”, and are disappointed that he would bring those people in to talk to them.

If TD James’s own church members aren’t trusting him about the vaccine, I doubt that celeb endorsements or examples of them taking it would/will have any big impact.