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Topic subjectRE: If this $15 minimum wage kicks in, can we finally get rid of tipping?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13422372&mesg_id=13422436
13422436, RE: If this $15 minimum wage kicks in, can we finally get rid of tipping?
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Feb-01-21 01:30 PM
We need more math! And logic.

This is a tough question. I think the answer is no tho. There’s too much other stuff to fix besides the minimum salary.

If we have a country and planet that is not totally over not having full-on slavery, getting folks directly paid ‘the right amount’ for their work is forever going to be an issue. Shit, we can’t get most teachers paid.

And if financially fortunate people are supposed to give whenever they can to make a community work the way it’s supposed to, then that has to be considered too. We all seem to have strong disdain for ‘rich’ people not paying taxes properly for instance. Does all of this get fixed just by paying restaurants and restaurant workers more? So then, if you make more, you’ll eat at ‘nicer’ places more often and it’ll all work out?

And, real talk, if folks view restaurants as extensions of the concept of servants/wives preparing meals, then even a solid pricing model is gonna be tough to establish and maintain. So folks will pay $150 to go see a sporting event every now and then but will get broken up if they have to pay more than $10 to eat a combo meal. And what, will a steakhouse plate be even more cost-prohibitive then?

>One of the main arguments for tipping is that
>waiters/waitresses don't get paid enough. So tips are
>essential. Nevermind the fact that currently, by law, they
>must earn at least minimum wage.
>But if the minimum wage gets boosted to $15, this argument
>goes out the window, right?
>It's past time to get rid of this nonsense custom. The
>customer should have no role in determining how much the
>employee is paid. Nothing good comes out of it. All it does
>-Compels the customer to subsidize the company
>-Makes it easier to conduct wage theft
>-Creates a strange power dynamic between customer and
>-Creates pay inequality due to discrimination
>-Forces people to do math
>Get rid of tipping. Restaurants just need to raise prices if