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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWhy do you think it normally costs that long?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13415862&mesg_id=13415974
13415974, Why do you think it normally costs that long?
Posted by Backbone, Wed Dec-09-20 06:05 PM
Do you think they're following flu shot test subjects for decades after the fact to see if side effects might happen, or do you think it might have something to do with getting funding, finding researchers, finding test subjects, competing for regulatory approval with all the other medical interventions set to go to market, etc. etc.?

You know, things that suddenly become quite easy to arrange when pretty much everyone in the world considers it a priority.

And then, not ALL vaccines take 10-15 years to develop. From what little I know, coronaviruses are pretty common and a lot of research into them was already prompted years ago by the SARS and MERS outbreaks. It stands to reason that this would help with the actual research bit of developing a covid-19 vaccine.

That's no proof there's nothing shady going on, I know. But you'd expect to see some complaints among the thousands of people (from universities and companies across the globe, mind you) involved if it were, right? So far I have only seen random internet people with their gut feelings and one guy saying the retired mentor of an actual relevant scientist didn't like it or something.