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Topic subjectFirst year using Spotify so some of these numbers are truly absurd
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13415917, First year using Spotify so some of these numbers are truly absurd
Posted by Nodima, Wed Dec-09-20 09:31 AM
I stopped pirating and went straight in 2020 mostly so I could see what this looked like after a full year of using Spotify. Also, I got ratio'd by most pirates preferring FLAC to V0 these days, but I guess I only kind of miss micromanaging an iTunes Library that barely functions under the weight of ~200,000 songs...

• 2,445 new artists
• 774 genres

TOP GENRES (aka I bet a lot of those 774 genres are some bullshit, lol)
• Indie Rock
• Indie Soul
• Hip Hop
• Pop
• Indie Pop

• Helado Negro - Running
First listened January 3rd, Most listened March 12th (I fell asleep with the song on repeat that night), 50th listen April 1st, 67 total listens

• Helado Negro - Running
• Faye Webster - Kingston
• Grimes - Delete Forever
• Jay Som - Tenderness
• Jessica Pratt - Back, Baby

The first three I get, the last two are the result of a playlist I listened to a LOT early in the pandemic and then just algorithms constantly pulling those two songs on artists' radios.

The Daily, 157 episodes for 5,591 total minutes and longest binge with 11 straight episodes one day (probably the first day I started listening)

47,814 total minutes listening to podcasts
• New York Times - The Daily
• The Ringer - The Bill Simmons Podcast
• The Ringer - The Press Box
• Giant Bomb - Giant Bombcast
• Giant Bomb - The Giant Beastcast

(Bodega Boys would've totally been on this list, but I fell behind a bit just before the pandemic and always told myself I wanted to catch up and experience sliding into the pandemic with them...but the sports, movies and news pods just kept piling up and before I knew it I was in August still telling myself I was going to listen to everything from February forward...I'll just start fresh in the new year...)

• ZAIA - WINGZ is a song I listened to before it hit 50,000 streams. This kid is gonna be big I think, I loved that whole album. He's like a focused KiD CuDi.
• I listened to more music from the 2000s than any other decade
• Cotton Jones - I Am the Changer was my top song from the 2000s
• Favorite Faye Webster song was Kingston, and I listened to her for just over 1,000 minutes putting me in the 0.1% of top listeners (I thought she was far more popular than that!)
• 3,247 total artists this year
• I missed the time listening stat, but I know I shared in my Instagram Stories that one of the panels said I spent around 135,000 total minutes listening to Spotify, so I can assume I spent about 90,000 minutes listening to music...which seems odd, since I definitely listen to podcasts more frequently. Suppose it makes sense when I consider I often fall asleep to Spotify like I used to do with radio.

• Faye Webster
• Gustavo Santalalla
• MF DOOM (I truly have no idea how he is on this list other than a lot of Metal Fingers beats being on my work playlist)
• Fiona Apple

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz