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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectHelp me understand this overused & exaggerated statement
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13414109&mesg_id=13414109
13414109, Help me understand this overused & exaggerated statement
Posted by double negative, Wed Nov-18-20 12:05 PM
something along the lines of...

"...the end of America"
"this is the end"
"America is over..."

Tucker Carlson says it all the time. It's being said about Biden & Harris. It's being said about Biden & Harris bringing "socialism" to the country. I've even read the statement here.


when people say that, what do they mean?

It really confuses me because I hear/read it literally but also figuratively.

Like, is the statement saying, the concept of what we THOUGHT America is is dying? That is the collection of ideas that when combined make up the concept of whatever we think "America" is, be it, free market capitalism, boot straps, the white man being on top, free speech, the right to bear arms...is the idea that the physical geographic foot print remains the same and under the umbrella of "America" but the core and fundamental ideas of what the countries IS has changed?


America splits and splinters and becomes a collection of independent countries?


America is taken over and swallowed by another country by means of brute or coercive force?


Everything, every place, every person is reduced to a steaming pile of ruble, dust, bones and blood?

the fuck does that shit mean?