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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI'm going to be a father!!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13407877&mesg_id=13407877
13407877, I'm going to be a father!!!!
Posted by walihorse, Mon Oct-12-20 12:24 PM
Wife took the pregnancy tests yesterday and one today. We've been trying for almost 3 years, basically since before we got married. This is the 1st late period, 1st positive pregnancy test, now going to the OBGYN next week for blood work.

Just last week, we were talking about being ok if it doesn't happen, the world is crazy and maybe it would be besting being a double income no kids household, travel more, spoil nieces and nephews, be selfish with our wants and keep it moving. Now though, I'm beside myself.

We've only told her mom and she's ask me not to tell anyone else out of percussion and not wanting to jinx it. I couldn't help myself, I had to share it.

I'm over the top happy. I'm nervous as hell too. I am hoping everything turns out well and I am wishing her a smooth pregnancy. We talked about being prepare mentally for something to happen, but we're not dwelling on that.