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Topic subjectHe did well - and the Republicans use the same arguments as OKP
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13399809&mesg_id=13402023
13402023, He did well - and the Republicans use the same arguments as OKP
Posted by handle, Tue Sep-01-20 09:27 AM

Here's the OKP parts:
@trumpswarroom tweets this out: (Story https://deadline.com/2020/08/donald-trump-twitter-joe-biden-1203027752/)

The account Trump War Room sent out a three-second clip in which Biden says, “You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America!” But Biden was actually saying the opposite.

Biden said in his Pittsburgh speech, “And since they have no agenda or vision for a second term Trump and Pence are running on this: ‘You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.’ And what’s their proof? The violence you’re seeing in Donald Trump’s America.”

Trump’s campaign responded shortly afterward: “To all the triggered journalists who can’t take a joke about their candidate, it’s not our fault Joe Biden was dumb enough to say this on camera.”