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Topic subjectkennedy should have never ran for senate.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13399809&mesg_id=13400560
13400560, kennedy should have never ran for senate.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Aug-21-20 04:53 PM
cuz now you have all of this dumb shit that comes out of it. along with the waste of money. for a safe blue seat. i hope he gets the shit beat out of him.

pelosi jumping into it is stupid af. and blatantly hypocritical. plus she risks being humiliated if kennedy loses.

i talked about the fossil fuels thing on here before. i think it was in a convo about beto. basically dems cant just kill the fossil fuel industry if they still wanna be competitive in pa, oh, tx, etc. some labor unions in those areas demand dems/dnc take the posture they take on fossil fuels in order to maintain their support. those industries still provide a lot of jobs.

we also saw this in va too when a big union out there left the black lg candidate off a flier with the rest of the dem ticket because he was against 2 gas pipelines in the state.

a lot of folks on the left claim to love unions...except when those unions oppose things like medicare for all and abandonment of fossil fuel projects.