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Topic subjectYou still don't understand the dynamics of a big Democratic tent
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13399809&mesg_id=13400207
13400207, You still don't understand the dynamics of a big Democratic tent
Posted by Vex_id, Wed Aug-19-20 05:58 PM
Your focus has very much been on rendering the Progressive electorate as negligible and non-essential to winning in November - while you religiously recite the need to reel in moderate voters. These Clinton/Kaine talking points failed us miserably in 2016.

>people are barely talking about kasich (outside of the usual
>lefty crybabies who complain about everything).

Not just Kasich - but Bloomberg, McCain, Colin Powell etc.. etc.. Again - as stated - I have no issue with the "Republicans for Biden" movement - reel some of them in - but to do that and then blatantly slight the Squad and the young, diverse progressive movement blooming and looking for a political home is absolute political malpractice.

And the only reason they're doing it is because they're afraid that Kasich voters will be scared of AOC's politics. Instead of promoting her and driving the narrative that the real extremists are on the Trump train, they acquiesce and cede ground to the GOP.

And it hasn't worked.
