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Topic subjectyou figure folks would learn from completely misreading the electorate
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13399809&mesg_id=13400121
13400121, you figure folks would learn from completely misreading the electorate
Posted by Reeq, Wed Aug-19-20 12:24 PM
in the 2020 dem primary.

its amazing that these folks still offer up criticism/analysis after being completely wrong several times over.

the fight for this election is gonna be won in the suburbs of places like mi, tx, az, nc, etc. that was even the path to the dem house majority and state govt recaptures in 2018.

why would dems be hinging their hopes on a part of the base that could only turn out 25% of the vote in a primary and got blown out in every single swing state except tx where bloomberg cannibalized biden votes?