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Topic subjectI think it's a safe choice for Biden, though I don't know if that's a good thing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13398876&mesg_id=13398914
13398914, I think it's a safe choice for Biden, though I don't know if that's a good thing
Posted by Vex_id, Wed Aug-12-20 12:23 PM
There's no regional utility with the pick (California was already going Biden and this leaves a Senate seat vacant). I also don't see how this pick expands the tent for likely voters - given that Harris does not have a strong reputation with leftists (namely Warren & Sanders supporters), many of whom already felt burned by the past two primaries. As we're seeing - Harris is getting attacked by both the left and the right (though most of the attacks are baseless and many just flat out incorrect, it still is playing with a large enough swath of the American electorate to make a dent).

I do think this helps in harnessing the suburban swing voter and white women - whom she seems to do very well with as a center-leaning Dem who - at least symbolically - represents a historic shift in the VP seat dynamic. Most Dems really champion that (and rightfully so). Biden already had the Black vote on lock - so the fact that Harris didn't perform well with Black voters in the primary likely won't be an impediment - but given that Trump is doing better with Black voters than virtually all Republican presidential nominees before him (welcome to 2020) - the Black turnout cannot experience the same kind of mild turnout that it had in 2016 (compared to 2008 and 2012).

Overall, Harris was a safe pick - but I hope it does enough to bring in disaffected voters who are not happy with the same old same old from the party.
