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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI see this as an outgrowth of American zero-sum politics
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13397521&mesg_id=13397566
13397566, I see this as an outgrowth of American zero-sum politics
Posted by CIPHA, Wed Aug-05-20 02:24 PM
"You either with me or against me ho!
You either with me or...
Win win win win
Fuck everything else
Win win win win."

Everything is about what team you're on now. And social media has exacerbated this reality exponentially. This anti-intellectual group-think has become a replacement for actual analysis or opinion.

In this atmosphere, remaining silent is tantamount to picking the other side. People don't care about your actual opinion, or that you actually have an opinion, they just want to know what side you're on.