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Topic subjectI've given thought to "going off the grid" like this too...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13397521&mesg_id=13397538
13397538, I've given thought to "going off the grid" like this too...
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Aug-05-20 01:28 PM

>Social media sidebar: My wife and I have both completed
>deleted our FB's about 2 months ago, and it is a totally
>freeing experience. Yes, we are both still on Twitter. She's
>more of a Tweeter. I'm more of a follower. Both still on IG
>which we know is owned by FB, but the FB thing was just at the
>end of the road for us. Ironically, we met on FB lol.
>My wife was the first to make the move, then a week later I
>was inspired to follow suit. Downloaded all of my data and
>obtained contact info from the people who wanted to stay in
>touch with me (that I didn't already have contact info for)
>and completely deleted my profile.
>I downloaded all of my Instagram data as well, but I still use
>it to browse. I may delete that profile soon and just open a
>new profile with no personal photos/data..just scenic
>photography and artsy shit.