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Topic subjectSnoop for all the reasons said. 30 years ...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13394925&mesg_id=13395021
13395021, Snoop for all the reasons said. 30 years ...
Posted by Brew, Wed Jul-22-20 02:03 PM
Dude's been doing it damn near 30 years, with hits and just barely hits just beneath the surface, too.

X had a great run there but after the first like 10ish rounds Snoop will be knocking grand slam after grand slam and X will be whimpering.

Snoop said it best in May - as far as hits, Jay was probably his only true competition.

But like someone else said - I hope X shows up on time and doesn't embarrass himself - I'd be psyched to see the dude get a win. He's been down for so long and has always seemed like a real good dude beneath all the trouble.