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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI think we're safe, due to the number of missed deadlines.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13392026&mesg_id=13392460
13392460, I think we're safe, due to the number of missed deadlines.
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Jul-08-20 11:34 AM
It doesn't seem logistically possible for him to win for that reason alone, but he could still pose a potential problem that results in Trump winning again.

Seems a lot of the same people dismissed Trump. A lot of folks were adamant that Trump had no chance, all the way to the election.

This nonchalant attitude that he's a non-entity in this is about the same as the attitude held by many of those who dismissed Trump.

How anyone still underestimates the power of persona in politics is staggering. Particularly those who speak so directly to the base sensibilities of white racism.

MAGA people love Kanye for the same reasons they love Candice Owens, and Trump himself.

And, absent the filing issues that seem to make it logistically impossible for him to win, it's not a stretch to say that he could wind up pulling enough votes from both Biden and Trump to actually win.

He'd play well with the folks whose entire political, philosophical, and scientific (ahem: pseudo) world view is shaped by memes and social media influencers.

Further, people vote third party, even when those third parties don't appear to have a chance in hell.

Ye's not remotely viable to rational people. Question is, are there enough irrational people who may have voted Biden? We've been stuck with a cartoon for three and a half years.

I'm too cynical to believe that there aren't enough irrational people or people who don't take this seriously for him to pose a potential threat.