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13390378, Yep
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue Jun-23-20 03:14 PM


>Someone started a thread about cancel culture and how some
>things should be forgiven.
>I think it was pimpgangster
>Now I’m wondering if Kimmmel was one of the people he


>What’s really crazy is Kevin Hart has to apologize again and
>again and most the Oscar’s. Will Kimmel lose the Emmys or
>whatever he is hosting next over this? One thing we know is in
>the past excuses were made for this type of shut but today
>people are being roasted over it. I wonder how this plays out.

^^^^^This right here.

>He’s taking the summer off and said it was already scheduled
>but I wonder if we “forget” while he is hiding out. I hope
>they put the pressure on his ass and he has to find a new gig.

They should.