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Topic subjectThat would make the interaction a whole lot less interesting.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13378115&mesg_id=13385480
13385480, That would make the interaction a whole lot less interesting.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-26-20 08:37 AM
I think the whole point was how difficult it is to deal with microagressions when in an inter-racial relationship.

We've all been in that situation where you felt like you were being treated differently because you are black but its not so blatant and it would be hard to prove that it was. You can expect a black partner to get it. And you can have a non-black SO who gets it, but then trying to deal with the SOs friends and family and it can get awkward.

My wife and I disagreed because I thought the Asian Brother was the bigger dickhead for pressing the issue and having a philosophical discussion about race when she was heated in the moment. My wife felt Molly was more in the wrong for losing her shit on the brother. Then it got compounded by Molly making some broad generalization about Asian people that was messed up to say to 3 Chinese people including 2 who were supporting her.

Man I was watching the whole episode with a knot in belly because I was just waiting to see how Molly would bring her drama to the trip. But when it happened I felt bad for her because I can 100% see it going down like that and, IMHOP, she wasn't that wrong to be upset about it. It's funny because Molly is incapable of just say "oh word" when Brother was being a dickhead and bringing it up later to her boyfriend which would have been the mature way to handle. Oh well.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"