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13384046, ouch
Posted by infin8, Thu May-14-20 05:52 PM
that $40 cap hurt.

I think I gave her a good reason to cap my shit, by bringing home some trash grades. She bought me two pair of 'bubble gums' (off-brand running shoes with 4 or 5 stripes)

"Now...since you wanna bring home "D"'s...you can wear THESE. And when ya wear them out...I got ANOTHER pair for you in the closet.


When breaking was in I had to BEG for some Puma's and my pops scoffed at the $65 tag. They made me wear them shits til there was holes in the bottom.

But my hustler uncle would let me rock his Pony's and his patent leather Adidas (forum and/or top ten)

Thank gxd for uncles.

RIP Uncle Chris