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Topic subjectSecurity nerds: I received an email with my login creds in the subject....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13378792&mesg_id=13378792
13378792, Security nerds: I received an email with my login creds in the subject....
Posted by BlakStaar, Wed Apr-15-20 06:12 PM
What's my next step beyond reporting the message as spam and changing my Gmail password again? Just ignore it?

I googled the email address and found it on www.bitcoinabuse.com. Others have received the same message.

I have multiple email accounts and this one was sent to my main Gmail account. The message demanded I send $1000 in bitcoin. They threatened to share a video clip of me looking at embarrassing material to people in my address book if I don't comply within 24 hours.

Now, I'm fairly certain this is fake but I'm bothered this time because A REAL PASSWORD of mine was in the subject line. ;-/

- The password was an older password that I stopped using for most websites several years ago and I don't think I ever used it as my Gmail password. If I did, it ages ago. I've had the account for 10+ years.
- Last year, I received a couple of notices that my main Gmail address account was found on the dark web. Speaking of:
- I learned about haveibeenpwned.com recently, which reported that my main Gmail account was "Pwned on 13 breached sites and found no pastes."
- I stopped using public Wi-Fi. networks last year (e.g. Starbucks) after unauthorized use of my PayPal Debit Mastercard twice short duration. Still haven't figured out how that happened but the transactions were Amazon orders placed on someone else's account. I got Amazon to cancel the orders before they shipped but the site refused to disclose the identity of the person who placed it. They need to start forwarding that shit to local police departments.
- I regularly monitor my credit and receive alerts.
- I started using a camera cover on my Macbook last year

I hate that data breaches are the new normal. Everything is trash.

