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Topic subjectI thought I might go ahead and pay off the student loan...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13378517&mesg_id=13378688
13378688, I thought I might go ahead and pay off the student loan...
Posted by Marbles, Wed Apr-15-20 12:21 PM

At this rate, I'd have it paid off in about 4 years. But the lockdown, has my savings just piling up. I considered paying off the student loan now to spare myself that monthly payment.

But I think I'm just gonna hold onto it. My job looks pretty secure but I'd rather have the savings cushion just in case. I was out of work for a while during the Great Recession and I don't ever wanna go through that again.