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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThe DNC is not rigged
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13367464&mesg_id=13378397
13378397, The DNC is not rigged
Posted by MEAT, Tue Apr-14-20 02:05 PM
Political power structures (DNC included) are myopic and have a self reinforced world view that's disconnected from the constituents they're supposed to serve.

That the DNC ends up supporting it's most lackyish people to hold control over its body is no different than the way the NFL hires retreads and family members.

That quite often the DNC seems more apt to appeal to the moneyed donors is no different than shitty television that gets greenlit for product placement

The DNC is susceptible to being changed by activists and numbers just like any other political body but people would first have to admit that the failures of the DNC and the failures to change the DNC are an engagement, organization, and people issue.

Yall make this shitty body of old rich white people and moderate Black people who survived "America" by the skin of their teeth to be some kind of mega goliath of civic suppression and manipulation when their opposing party is a white nationalist death cult that's unaccountable to anything.