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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectYour article was about inflated death counts. You didn't even read it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13377720&mesg_id=13378293
13378293, Your article was about inflated death counts. You didn't even read it.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Tue Apr-14-20 05:27 AM
***Dude left, but I'm only addressing this because I didn't see it when he was here***

And the main point of your article is that that claim is being used IN DEFENSE OF TRUMP by downplaying it's seriousness of the virus as to defend Trump's terrible preparation and response. This is what I mean about you not understanding the discussion you joined. You (and anyone in this post) are free to show me where I'm defending Trump by suspecting America of practicing medical racism during a pandemic... when America has been proven to practice medical racism ABSENT of a pandemic.

What's really happening here is that you're downplaying America's medical racism against black people by claiming that I'm (somehow) joining Fox news in downplaying the virus to defend Trump. That's utterly ridiculous of you, seriously.

>that person said they were diagnosed just because they stated
>common symptoms (and without a test).
>which i told you (and provided detailed research) was part of
>a larger disinfo campaign.

This extremely intellectually dishonest of you. That's actually not what you, nor the article you posted, said. Your article IS NOT about being receiving diagnosis of COVID-19 without a test (and it does not focus on black people). The entire purpose and aim of the article you posted is addressing something OTHER than what I'm saying.