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Topic subjectWord to this
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13376301, Word to this
Posted by Brew, Thu Apr-02-20 01:25 PM
>Bill Hader said something that has stuck w/ me about he
>realized that he has to exercise not to get ripped or any of
>that shit but just to not lose his mind. So I've been at least
>walking or doing short workouts a few days a week.

This is really it. I'm in the habit (in normal human times) of working out for like 1.5-2 hours at least 3, but usually 4, days per week with cardio and weights involved each day. So this has been a huge transition for me as I obviously assume it has been for a lot of us in this regard.

Luckily my wife has been running gyms and doing group and personal fitness training for the better part of 2 decades, so one of her gyms has had her transition to some online half hour classes a couple times a day, so I'm able to get a reasonable workout in a couple times a day even without the requisite equipment at home. And we've been running outside the few days it's been nice out up here in the northeast.

And, as you/Hader said, even though I'm doing nowhere near the intensive, longform workouts I usually do ... even getting 45mins to an hour in each day is keeping me from going totally insane.

>Also been working on eating well enough to have energy during
>the day, lose some weight and not feel like shit.

This is where I fail and why I need to workout so hard generally. I can't eat well. I do OK during the week but I crush on the weekends haha. Cannot stay away from greasy food. Steak & cheese is my weakness.