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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectA LOT of meditation
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13375932&mesg_id=13376278
13376278, A LOT of meditation
Posted by navajo joe, Thu Apr-02-20 11:41 AM
I've got my weekly tele-appointment with my therapist and he's been fantastic.

I'm making sure to stay active in some way shape or form on a daily basis.

Bill Hader said something that has stuck w/ me about he realized that he has to exercise not to get ripped or any of that shit but just to not lose his mind. So I've been at least walking or doing short workouts a few days a week.

I've been rocking heavy with Tara Brach for meditations and working through her RAIN stuff and reading Radical Compassion as well.

Also been working on eating well enough to have energy during the day, lose some weight and not feel like shit.